Adult Case Management Services

Sarah Reynolds, MSW
Christine Robertson
Program Supervisors
Case Management

Lapeer County Community Mental Health (LCCMH) provides Adult Case Management and Residential Services to Lapeer County adults with a diagnosis of Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) or Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) who meet criteria for specialty services.  Case managers assist consumers to be as independent as possible in their daily lives. They provide an assessment of the needs of each individual based on their personal dreams and plans for their future, they link individuals to area resources, coordinate care within area resource, assist in areas of medical, mental health needs, and monitor progress on at least a monthly basis.


Assessment planning, linking, advocacy, coordination and monitoring to assist individuals in gaining access to needed health, dental services, financial assistance, legal representation, housing, employment, education, social services, and natural supports developed through the person centered planning process working within  the individual’s desire to work toward change and recovery.


Assisting and supporting individuals to be as independent as they can be and live within the least restrictive environment possible while being integrated into the community. Continuing to support consumers in areas of housing, employment, community inclusion, as well as health care needs as they become active members of the community.

Accessing Services

The individual must be 18 years of age, and a resident of Lapeer County. The individual must have a primary diagnosis of severe and persistent mental Illness (SPMI) or intellectual developmental disability (I/DD). Lapeer County Community Mental Health is part of the Region 10 Pre-paid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP), which operates a centralized access / screening system. Lapeer County residents may contact the ACCESS Line by calling Lapeer: (810) 667-0500 or (800) 225-4447. The Access Center screens the caller for eligibility, specific entry / reentry.